Following a recent rash of gay bullying—at least one incident of which turned deadly—a band of eight self-styled superheroes calling themselves the New York Initiative have moved into Greenwich Village. They are members of a nationwide group known as The Initiative Collective—a volunteer crime prevention outfit that encourages people to fight back against violence using self-defense, armor and theatrics—in addition to doing general good deeds like fundraising, feeding the homeless and offering free martial arts training to anyone who wants it. Athame, Dark Guardian, Zero, Spyder and Spectre (all pictured, left to right) are trained in martial arts, armed in defensive tactical gear and bullet-proof vests, and are on a mission to protect the helpless. "Violence on its own is wrong, and it's even worse when a specific group is being targeted," Dark Guardian said. "We care about everyone, from every walk of life, and we want to keep everybody safe. Our focus now is the Village" ...