Drummers have been called many things (backbone of the band, human metronome, just plain crazy). But "frontman" is not usually not one of them. They're mostly relegated to the back of a stage while the lead singer or guitarist take the spotlight.
So what happens when a career drummer makes the bold move and takes the mic?
Here's what honourary Canadian legendary drummer/singer Levon Helm has to say about mastering vocals and timing:
Lots of Canadian artists have made the move from behind the kit to in front of the mic, two recent examples are Shawn Mrazek (former drummer for The Doers, The Evaporators and the comedian Nardwuar) and Kenton Loewen of The Crackling (who kept time for Mother Mother and Dan Mangan). Both Mrazek and Loewen master the frontman role so beautifully on their albums it's hard to imagine them out of the spotlight.
Can you think of any other incredible drummers who kill it on the mic too? What do you think about musicians who make the shift from the drum kit to the forefront? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @cbcradio3.